
Color meanings in Designing

Color meanings in Designing: Red is for energy, passion, and danger. Orange is for creativity, youth, and enthusiasm. Yellow is for happiness, hope, and spontaneity. Green is for nature, growth, and harmony – but also wealth and stability. Blue is for calm, trust and intelligence. Purple is for luxury, mystery, and spirituality. Black is for power, elegance, and sophistication. White is for purity, innocence, and minimalism. Gray is for professionalism, formality, and conventionality. Brown is for wholesomeness, warmth, and honesty. Pink is for femininity, playfulness, and romance. Multicolor is for fun, diversity, and optimism. Metallics are for wealth, prosperity and success. Courtesy: More insights on Color meanings and the art of using color psychology click here to know more. A shared details with the link to credit. #designing #colorsindesign #designcolors #colorsmeans #whichcolor #red #yellow #green #blue #purple #black #white #gray #brown #pink #mu

Chanakya's 15 Arthashastra Quotes which remains true till date.

Chanakya's 15 Arthashastra Quotes which remains true till date. “Education is the best friend. An educated person is respected everywhere. Education beats the beauty and the youth.”  “Every neighboring state is an enemy and the enemy’s enemy is a friend.”  “Learn from the mistakes of others, you can’t live long enough to make them all yourselves.” “The fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind. But the goodness of a person spreads in all directions.” “Purity of speech, of the mind, of the senses, and of a compassionate heart are needed by one who desires to rise to the divine platform.” “Books are as useful to a stupid person as a mirror is useful to a blind person.” “A man is great by deeds, not by birth.” “We should not fret for what is past, nor should we be anxious about the future; men of discernment deal only with the present moment.” “A person should not be too honest. Straight trees are cut first and honest people are screwed first.” “Ev

E-learning - electronic learning, online learning

E-learning or Electronic Learning is way for all aged to learn / teach electronically / Online. This is also called online learning nowadays. This has changed the overall traditional methodology of teaching. To be online Internet is required, thus Internet plays a vital and important role in this. I have been into this industry quite for some time, and have seen the growth in this industry has just plunged to new heights. This has evolved the teaching / learning methodology in a easy and effective way. This method is quite a trend and has proved its ability, effectiveness, precise content delivery to the readers. E-learning includes teaching & learning  through   online courses which are created in different mediums such as videos, PDF, e-book, and various other resources. Nowadays all the  E-learning  courses are targeting Mobile users and have evolved the technology where in all types of course support all types of devices nowadays. This providing opportunity to al

Web Designing & Trend Setting Standards for 2013

HTML5 Css3 will the web standard soon in 2013 HMTL5 is not a single thing or a monolithic technology. It is a collection of features, technologies, and APIs that brings the power of the desktop and the vibrancy of multimedia experience to the web—while amplifying the web’s core strengths of interactivity and connectivity. HTML5 includes the fifth revision of the HTML markup language, CSS3, and a series of JavaScript APIs. Together, these technologies enable you to create complex applications that previously could be created only for desktop platforms. Responsive & Adaptive Web Design This relatively new approach to web design allows building websites that are optimized for screens of all sizes:  small mobile devices, tablets and large desktop monitors. Unlike the traditional approach of building two versions of the same website (a desktop and a mobile), responsive and adaptive websites automatically adapt to the screen size and capabilities of any device

Just Like That !!!!

I always think !! What is this life ? Why was i born for ? Who am I ? Like these my thoughts keep on haunting me whenever i am in deep thinking. Really i don't have any answers for this. But one day i will get these answers for sure. !!!! Well we feel sometimes lonely, not cared, do not like me, nobody talk to me, nobody understands me - like this one or the other time we have faced this & asked ourselves these questions or maybe discussed with our best friends - even thought your best friend gives you the right answer we will not be convinced. But if we slowly get into relaxed position & sip your favorite drink (as i take hot strong coffee) and think a little deep inside your mind then you will realize that you have answers inside you, and just because of your anger & inferiority  &  non patience you were not in a position to realize the answers. Some times we may even think of failures & success. Lets ask ourselves a question 1.) What is Fa

Happy 65th Independence Day to all my Fellow Indians

Happy 65th Independence Day to all my Fellow Indians